Individual Tutoring

Over the last couple of months I’ve had quite a few enquiries for individual lessons and workshops.  While its something I’ve contemplated, I really lacked the space to be able to take on such an endeavour.

The great news though, is that a close artist friend Coleen Williams and I, have opened our own studio space and gallery in the Casterbridge Lifestyle Centre in White River.  This has afforded us the opportunity to finally offer workshops, lessons and display our artworks too.

Individual lessons will take the form of one-on-one tutoring in aspects of realism, creating depth in your artwork, techniques in using panpastels and pastel pencil and will be mostly focused on birds and animals.  I hope to expand this to soft pastel and other subjects in the future.  The ideal will be for the student to bring an artwork in progress and I will focus on mentoring.

Workshops will be over a weekend or multiple weeks and cover a variety of subjects and mediums.

I am now taking bookings for both individual lessons and workshops, and will post on Facebook and Instagram of upcoming events.

If you are interested, please send me an email or contact form and also sign up for my newsletter to ensure you don’t miss out on any opportunities.

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