Gouache & Coloured Pencil

Medium: Gouache & Coloured Pencil
Explore the Magical Combination of Gouache and Coloured Pencil
26 - 28 June 2025 @ The ArtSpace, Artsavingsclub, Linden, Johannesburg
Gouache and Coloured Pencil make a magical combination for many reasons.
I love the opaque nature of gouache, the soft colours and ease with which one can blend and play. Easier than watercolour, more forgiving than acrylics, its a fun paint medium – even for those of us not born to paint!
Coloured Pencil also gets a bad wrap for being difficult and tedious – but what if you could combine the two and use the highlights of each, to compliment the other? This of course also begs the right paper!
For this workshop we will focus on Birds and Botanicals, but these principles are applicable on all subjects.
What you can expect:
In this workshop we will start at the very beginning – from picking your reference image, editing composition and colour for your preference, to planning and creating your basic drawing.
We will discuss art supplies and the right tools and paper for the job, techniques for using Gouache as a quick and effective underpainting for Coloured Pencil and all importantly – fixing your mistakes!
I will share my process and tricks I have learned for creating a realistic drawing in Coloured Pencil, blending and creating depth.
You will leave this workshop with your own drawing and we will also chat about packaging and preserving your pencil artworks, as well as a discussion on framing.
My style is very informal and I promise this will be a fun jam-packed learning experience!
Included in your R1500 Fee:
- Reference Images from my own library
- Gouache and Painting Supplies
- paper
- coffee and tea
What you will need to bring:
- Your excited self
- Coloured Pencils
- a Ruler, graphite pencil and putty eraser
- Your Smart Phone (for your reference image)